Keywords: Construction Machinery Bearing Auto bearing Tapered roller bearing Spherical plain bearing Rolling mill bearing One way clutch Needle roller bearing Ball transer system

Your location:Home >> Agricultural machinery bearing 200 KRR
Agricultural machinery bearing 200 KRR


The release date:[2015-07-07 08:54:45]    Click rate:[1093]   Source: Yiwu Hailin E-commerce Firm




Agricultural machinery bearing 200 KRR series



轴承型号 款式 Boundary dimensions
d D Be Bi
203KR2 3 15.883 40 14 12
BB203KPR2 1 16.26 40 18.29 12
203KRR2 1 16.26 40 18.29 12
BB203KRR2FD 4 16.26 40 18.29 12
203KRR5 1 13.081 40 18.29 12
203KRR7 1 17 40 16.61 12
204KR2 3 19.063 45.225 15.49 15.49
204KRR3 1 20 47 17.75 14
205KR4 2 25.413 52 25.4 15
206KR7 2 30 62 24 16
206KRR8 1 30 62 24 16
207KRR 1 35 72 25 17
208KRR2 1 40 80 27 21
209KRR3 1 45 85 27 21
210KRR 1 50 90 30 20
212KRR 1 60 100 36 22
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