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Your location:Home >> Our country industry made into new normal intelligence becomes a new growth point
Our country industry made into new normal intelligence becomes a new growth point


The release date:[2015-07-06 17:29:18]    Click rate:[1429]   Source: Yiwu Hailin E-commerce Firm


In 2015, the industrial economy of our country has entered the new normal, lower growth rate, growth power conversion, intelligent manufacture will become a new growth point. This is from 27 day labourer ministry and the national bureau of statistics data released at the conference concluded in the information.
To economic growth in the transformation27th morning, the industrial enterprise financial data released by the national bureau of statistics, in 2014, the national industrial enterprises above designated size profits of 6.47153 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.3% over the previous year, faster than January to November fell 2%, down 8.9% from the previous year. Among them, the profit of 850.73 billion yuan, in December fell 8% year on year, a drop than the expansion of 3.8% in November.
Commissioner of the national bureau of statistics department of industrial benefit, he ping, said in December industrial profits decline to expand the main original.

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